In the last few weeks it has become increasingly apparent that the pandemic we have been living through is going to last a lot longer than we originally thought. Many of us hoped that the first lockdown would ease numbers of individuals diagnosed and relieve the anxiety that we felt due to the deaths and cases of the pandemic. Unfortunately, with winter right ahead of us there is no escaping that this is going to be a difficult time for a lot of us and the impact will be greater for some more than others.
As cases have increased, the restrictions that we need to adopt to avoid us infecting ourselves, our families and the people we care for have focused on doing the basics well.
• Maintaining washing our hands, mask or PPE wearing and social distancing.
• Testing if required and self-isolating where necessary.
• Following the guidance and policies of PCS.
We may have new challenges to face going forward, however PCS are here to support you and for you to remain positive within your mental health and wellbeing at this time. Who knows what the future brings with this pandemic, however together we have a job to protect and care for our vulnerable service users and we want you to be able to do that in a supported environment.
Not many people look forward to the dark nights at this time of the year. With Christmas just around the corner it may also be a time of worry for some, especially in the current climate of Covid.
Anxiety at this time of the year is heightened and can make you feel tired as well as overwhelmed by everything. There are techniques as well as things that you can do at home to help at this difficult time.
• Have some time for you, a hot bath, a read of a good book, a walk or some exercise. Just 30 minutes per day can make a huge difference to your mental health and being.
• Chat to friends, old or new. This can really make a difference to your mental health and well-being.
• Connecting with family. Even though you may not be able to see them at the moment, it is important to keep in touch with them via telephone or video call.
• Learning something new. Keeping learning has proven to occupy our minds as well as help us to learn new skills! PCS offer some valuable training packages which are free for all staff.